Monday, July 27, 2015

Almost time to go!

Right now, I am sitting in my room trying not to forget stuff I will need in Thailand. I am going to fail at this and forget one or two things. I don't care though!

Supranee and I are going ahead of the main group to enjoy Thailand an extra 10 days. We fly out tomorrow morning around 6:30 am. We'll be staying with her aunt for those 10 days.

I am excited about the food I will get to try in Thailand and compare it with the 'Thai' restaurants here in the states. One of my favorite activities to do is try new foods.
The one thing I am most excited are the sites of Thailand. Since I will be there for quite awhile (almost 3 weeks!), I figure I can spend most of that time seeing what Thailand has to offer. I like to explore places on foot and plan on doing just that with my time.

After the rest of the students and Dr Katz gets in country, we'll be moving to the hotel and finish Thailand up with the main group. We have so much planned that I won't go into detail (even though I don't know the details myself)! All I know is that I joined this trip to learn about pharmacy at an international level. I am eager to learn the differences of the practice in Thailand to how it's practiced in the United States. Things that a pharmacist can and would do in Thailand compared to a pharmacist in the United at the hospital level, retail level, and even education level are all things I am looking forward to experiencing.

I will, of course, be posting my adventures on here and keep you updated with pictures and whatnot. I haven't chosen what I want to focus on for this blog and will probably post things at the end of the day for what I think was exciting.

Until then, I will pace my mind hoping not to forget my toothbrush, or my socks, or my book.

Chris H.

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